Valentines Day

Although the truth behind the Valentine legends (one of which is how Emperor Claudius II executed Saint Valentine — because he was helping young lovers wed — on Feb. 14 in the 3rd century) happens to be murky, it is celebrated today to show love as well as affection. This year, Valentine’s day flew by so quickly. The whole day, there were people hugging their loved ones, carrying gift bags and those fancy-looking bouquets. The president of the student council, Janvi Patel, stated that they sold about 750 flower grams. That is a huge number of flowers. Furthermore, Patel feels that they should have increased the limit of the bouquets available because many students didn’t get their chance to buy them. 

At RMHS, there are some conflicting views on Valentine’s Day. Sophomore, Haasini Vidapalapati, thinks that we shouldn’t wait for the one day to show love and affection when there are all the days in the world. On the contrary, sophomore Yashwant Cherukuri states that

“Valentine’s Day is a small and insignificant gesture for those who’ve yet to experience the joy of a special someone… but for those who have… Valentine’s Day becomes something meaningful, a reason to celebrate what you’ve achieved in your relationship and most of all another day to spend in the company of your special someone.” Junior Paige Zukauskus takes a different view, and states, 

“I think Valentine’s Day is so much more than romance, it’s about loving your friends, your family, and most importantly, yourself.” Sophomore Benjamin Biazo has another opinion. He feels that gift-giving is more sentimental when it’s random, rather than obligatory for one day. 

Personally, I think that everyone should show their appreciation and love to themselves and to their loved ones every day, however, it doesn’t hurt to show that extra love on Valentine’s Day.